A********** | A***** | Mechanical Engineering | Institute of Sciences | Male | YEMEN |
A*** A*** | S**** | Business | Institute of Social Sciences | Male | Ethiophia |
A*** | A**** M****** | Agricultural Structures and Irrigation | Institute of Sciences | Female | Jordan |
A** M****** | A*********** | Nanoscience and Nanotechnology | Institute of Sciences | Male | Iraq |
A**** | B******** H******** | Civil Engineering | Institute of Sciences | Male | Iranian |
A*** | A****** | Business | Institute of Social Sciences | Male | Azerbaijan |
A*** | D***** | Electrics-Electrical Engineering | Institute of Sciences | Female | Tunisia |
A**** | A********* | Economics | Institute of Social Sciences | Female | Azerbaijan |
B**** | E**** G************ | Coaching Education | Institute of Health Sciences | Male | Iranian |
D********** | M*********** | Pedodontics | Institute of Health Sciences | Male | Turkmenistan |
E* M******** | L***** | Business | Institute of Social Sciences | Male | Mauritania |
E****** | A****** | Proshodontics | Institute of Health Sciences | Male | Azerbaijan |
E****** | İ****** | Education of Foreign Languages | Institute of Educational Sciences | Female | Azerbaijan |
F**** | E******* | Education of Foreign Languages | Institute of Educational Sciences | Female | France |
G********** | V********* | Business | Institute of Social Sciences | Female | Azerbaijan |
G****** | A******* | Philosophy | Institute of Social Sciences | Female | Azerbaijan |
H*** | H****** | Business | Institute of Social Sciences | Male | Azerbaijan |
H****** | M****** H***** | Plant Protection | Institute of Sciences | Male | Chad |
H*** | E******** | Orthodontics | Institute of Health Sciences | Female | Palestine |
H****** | A********* O*** | Department of Field Crops | Institute of Sciences | Male | SOMALİ |
H***** | K*********** | History | Institute of Social Sciences | Female | Germany |
İ**** | L**** | European-mediterranean Cultures and Tourism | Institute of Social Sciences | Female | Russia |
İ******* | A**** | Veterinary Pathology | Institute of Health Sciences | Male | PAKİSTAN |
İ******** | H****** | Business | Institute of Social Sciences | Male | Azerbaijan |
J**** | J**** | Food Engineering | Institute of Sciences | Female | Morocco |
K******** | B********* | Educational Sciences | Institute of Educational Sciences | Female | Azerbaijan |
L**** | B****** | Home care Nursing | Institute of Health Sciences | Female | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
M******** | S******* | Food Engineering | Institute of Sciences | Female | China |
M**** | I********* | Agricultural Biotechnology | Institute of Sciences | Male | Kazakhistan |
M**** | Ö**** | Physical Education and Sports | Institute of Health Sciences | Female | Germany |
M****** F**** | A****** | Horticulture | Institute of Sciences | Male | SOMALİ |
M******* | A********* | Orthodontics | Institute of Health Sciences | Male | Palestine |
N***** | M******* | Chemistry | Institute of Sciences | Female | Azerbaijan |
O********* | A**** | Civil Engineering | Institute of Sciences | Male | Afpganistan |
P*** | S****** | Agricultural Economics | Institute of Sciences | Male | PAKİSTAN |
R**** | H****** | Food Engineering | Institute of Sciences | Female | Syria |
S**** | S******** | Physical Education and Sports | Institute of Health Sciences | Male | Iranian |
S******* | S******** K******* | Education of Fine Arts | Institute of Educational Sciences | Female | Iranian |
S****** | A******** | Geography | Institute of Social Sciences | Female | Azerbaijan |
S******** | F******* | Business | Institute of Social Sciences | Male | Azerbaijan |
S****** | S******* | Orthodontics | Institute of Health Sciences | Male | Iranian |
T***** | A********** | Business | Institute of Social Sciences | Male | Azerbaijan |
T**** | A*** | Department of Field Crops | Institute of Sciences | Male | PAKİSTAN |
T****** | B******** | Medical Biochemistry | Institute of Health Sciences | Male | Azerbaijan |
U**** | R********* | Biology | Institute of Sciences | Female | Azerbaijan |
V**** | G******* | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | Institute of Health Sciences | Male | Azerbaijan |
V**** | H******* | Chemistry | Institute of Sciences | Male | Azerbaijan |